Case Study: the CRM of ButanGas - ButanGas


Case Study: the CRM of ButanGas

ButanGas has been a leading company in the LPG distribution sector for 75 years and, since 2019, has also entered the free electricity market. Thanks to its 15 branches, 15 operating units and 9 product storage and bottling plants, it is able to supply private individuals and companies throughout the country.


Initial Needs

The company was looking for a system that would act as a command centre, a connection point between all the tools already used internally, including two management systems, in order to constantly improve the service provided to their customers.

The need was also to have a system capable of:


  • Manage the technical part
  • Manage the commercial part
  • Guarantee multi-platform customer management.


The last requirement was to have a system capable of automating, digitising and speeding up internal business processes, including contract management.


To find out more, we spoke with Riccardo Morandotti ICT Manager & Ciso of ButanGas and CRM project manager.


The Realised Project

ButanGas’ choice fell on the vtenext CRM, a tool that was able to meet the needs expressed, thanks to some of its main features:

  • It is an Open Source CRM, which makes it a highly integrable and flexible tool
  • It is natively equipped with a BPMN engine capable of automating all kinds of business processes
  • It is an All-in-One CRM, capable of managing any business area thanks to its functionalities



In addition to the most common integrations with Microsoft Exchange and ActiveSync, ButanGas wanted to integrate its CRM with other company tools.


  • Management systems: the integration developed with the 2 management systems already present in the company allows a two-way synchronisation, via web services, in real time of information and, furthermore, by means of a single click it is possible to switch from a CRM card to the desired management system card. All this has made it possible to combine the typical information of a management system with that of a CRM, allowing the company to have a complete overview of its orders, interventions and requests for each customer so as to be able to offer a top-quality service to each of them.
  • Switchboard: The integration developed with the switchboard allows operators to have at their fingertips all information concerning the customer who should call customer support. The system, through the recognition of the telephone number, automatically opens the correct master data, providing the user with the entire history of the specific customer, as well as a special window with a series of actions that can be performed on the customer (e.g. ticket opening, self-reading, etc.) . At the same time, it is possible to initiate a telephone call with the desired customer by means of a special button in each registry.
  • Digital Signature with Intesa Company (a Kyndryl Company): CRM has been integrated with the Intesa signature manager, so that contracts can be digitally signed and the signature has real legal value, being corroborated by OTP. Thanks to this technology, the customer can safely sign his contract independently, so that he has the possibility, if necessary, to share it with his collaborators. There is also a log that records the times of all views and signatures performed.


Other Functionalities

Other functionalities implemented in this project, in order to make the tool as User Friendly as possible and, consequently, to be able to provide the highest quality service to customers, are:


  • Shared calendars
  • Customised visibility of picklists
  • Dual login authentication
  • Division into Business Units for branches
  • Self-generation of documents
  • Quick link to internal manual


The Process Implemented

ButanGas decided to exploit the potential of BPMN processes, which can automate and speed up all kinds of internal procedures.


This implementation was designed to optimise and completely digitise the process that leads a lead to the signing of a contract. Everything is in support of the salesperson who, despite the automation, still remains at the centre and retains an important supervisory role.


It all starts the moment a salesperson creates a specific opportunity. After filling in certain fields, based on a series of parameters, the system performs automatic calculations, analyses investments and interacts with the user so that the deal is sustainable.


Subsequently, the various documents that make up the contract are generated and filled in automatically. For the signature, which is managed and made legally valid thanks to the integration mentioned above, the system offers three options:


  • Remote signature with sending of the contract by e-mail
  • Signature in the presence of the salesperson
  • Print the contract, sign on paper and upload the contract in pdf.


Once the contract has been signed, the process of approval and internal checks continues, culminating in the automatic generation of the customer’s master data and contract in both CRM and management software and the sending of the contract to the customer with the information manual attached.

The reference branch will be notified automatically of the successful outcome of the process and will schedule the necessary activities and track them in CRM.


Key Benefits

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction
  • Centralisation of information
  • Digitisation and streamlining of procedures
  • Constant monitoring of the status of each customer and contract
  • Breaking down of company silos


Future Developments

Several developments are planned as part of this project including:


  • Integrated website forms for both lead generation and support requests
  • Integration with WhatsApp both inbound and outbound
  • Implementation of a chatbot for lead generation


The objective of ButanGas is to improve the service offered to their customers day after day, guaranteeing constant and responsive multi-channel support.



ButanGas is a subsidiary of Veroniki Holding, founded in 2010 by Dr. Daniela Veronica Gusa de Dragan as the sole coordinating structure of all the companies of the Dragan Group. The Group’s core business is LPG distribution in 7 European countries: Italy, Greece, Romania, Germany, Poland, Serbia and Austria. For more information:

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